is mind, oriented toward God and his calling, was in no sense adapted to purely intellectual speculations. And besides, he knew only the barest rudiments of French grammar. How would he ever be initiated into the mysteries of Latin grammar?

Father Balley's other students, who were much younger than Vianney, made fun of him. One day one of them, Matthias Loras, who was helping his good friend to translate a text, finally lost patience at his stupidity and slapped him. Vianney was the older and by far the stronger of the two. And yet, controlling his strong natural reaction, he knelt down before the offender, before this twelve-year old boy, and humbly asked his forgiveness.
(From The Remarkable Cure of Ars by Michele de Saint Pierre)
"When one has just received communion, of what use are the words of men when it is God who is speaking? We must listen to what the good Lord says to our hearts."
St. John Vianney, pray for us!
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
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