Saturday, December 30, 2017
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Friday, December 22, 2017
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I promise: Poverty, Chastity, Obedience Community of the Holy Family Akron, Ohio Photo: R Massaro (C)2017 Spirit Singing |
The Christian life is a life of obedience. If we don't obey God, we don't have life in the Spirit (Acts 5:32). If we don't obey Him, we don't love Him (Jn 15:10)...
If Mary had not obeyed, she would not have been the mother of God. If Jesus had not obeyed, He would have have become a human being and died on the cross to save us. Jesus' obedience destroyed the reign of sin and brought justification to all people.
As we near Christ's Christmas coming, the Lord is calling us to obey Him as never before, to break new ground in obedience, and to be pioneers in obedience. The Lord wants us to be the first in our city, parish, family, business, or neighborhood to obey in all areas of His plan for us. Obey now; obey for the first time; obey first, obey all His commands. Live a life of obedience.
From the publication "One Bread, One Body," 2013
I came across this article just moments after I had a conversation with a fellow Carmelite about the virtue of obedience. The little blue book laying on my kitchen counter seemed to speak to me, "Take up and read." "Take up and read." After reading the above selection for the day, I was consoled that the Holy Spirit spoke to me through this article, for I think it is very appropriate for secular Carmelites who wish to take their promise of obedience seriously.
The virtue of obedience has come up many times in my life lately. I've had more than a few community members approach me and ask me to speak about obedience. I am glad that they, like the author above, want to be pioneers in obedience. This article will be very useful in discussing this elusive virtue. I say elusive, because the ugly head of individualism shows its face everywhere. And if one is caught off guard, one can easily fall prey to the perversion of the virtue of obedience. The perversion takes place, when the soul confuses obedience with control. Some people find superiors controlling. Some people find a spouse controlling. Some people find a boss controlling. Why do I need to be obedient to Father so and so? Why do I need to be obedient to my husband or wife? Why do I need to obey my boss? This is the way of the world. No one is supposed to tell us what to do! Yes, this happens, even in Carmel.
However, there are those truly rare souls who want to be formed and fashioned into the image of Christ, who was obedient unto death. These souls look for opportunities to be obedient. Why? Because they are passive individuals who do not like to think for themselves? No! An emphatic, "No!" These are holy souls who are like the saints. They viewed superiors and others in authority as the voice of God! These people possess a submissive and docile heart, ready to obey at a moment's notice. I love these types of souls. They are very giving and help immensely in community.These are the souls who are ever-ready to "break new ground in obedience."
Do you lack obedience? Are you anxious or afraid of obedience? Then, keep this in mind: Obedience frees us from the anxiety of discernment.
This is very important to remember if one has a spiritual director. Following the advice of one's confessor of spiritual director is all that is required when receiving direction in the spiritual life. Remembering of course that he or she does not ask you to do anything sinful or uncharitable. We are speaking of directors who wish to keep you on the true path of obedience to Christ and his Church.
The secular Carmelite is asked to obey the Rule. Here is a small excerpt about this virtue:
The Rule (#15)
The promise of obedience is an exercise of faith leading to the search for God's will in the events and challenges in society and our own personal life. For this reason the Secular Carmelite freely cooperates with those who have responsibility for guiding the community and the Order in discerning and accepting God's ways: the Community's Council, the Provincial and the General.
As secular Carmelites we can examine our conscience and ask ourselves a few questions of discernment:
*Am I faithful to the Order by praying each day?
* Do I support, encourage, and cooperate with my local council?
*Do I obey the Rule and the Constitutions of the secular
*Am I faithful to my local council by studying the assigned
formation materials?
*Do I make an effort to lighten the burden of the president and the
council, or do I just show up for meetings, never really
participating in the life of the community?
Only you know if you are being obedient to your Carmelite promises. Only you can decide "to break new ground in obedience" and live like the saints. We can all do this one moment at a time in life. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to prepare our hearts to stand at attention, ready to respond when the Lord calls: "Here I am Lord, I come to do your will."
Let us pray for each other!
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds
Advent meditation,
Carmelite Rule,
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
December 14
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Photo: R. Massaro (C)2017 Spirit Singing |
The Soul That Suffers With Longing to See God
I no longer live within myself
and I cannot live without God,
for having neither him nor
what will life be?
It will be a thousand deaths,
longing for my true life
and dying because I do not die.
This life that I live
is no life at all,
and so I die continually
until I live with you;
hear me, my God:
I do not desire this life,
I am dying because I do not die.
When I am away from you
what life can I have
except to endure
the bitterest death known?
I pity myself,
for I go on and on living,
dying because I do not die.
A fish that leaves the water
has this relief:
the dying it endures
ends at last in death.
What death can equal my pitiable life?
For the longer I live, the more
drawn out is my dying.
When I try to find relief
seeing you in the Sacrament,
I find this greater sorrow:
I cannot enjoy you wholly.
All things are affliction
since I do not see you as I desire,
and I die because I do not die.
And if I rejoice, Lord,
in the hope of seeing you,
yet seeing I can lose you
doubles my sorrow.
Living in such fear
and hoping as I hope,
I die because I do not die.
Lift me from this death,
my God, and give me life;
do not hold me bound
with these bonds so strong;
see how I long to see you;
my wretchedness is so complete
that I die because I do not die.
I will cry out for death
and mourn my living
while I am held here
for my sins.
O my God, when will it be
that I can truly say:
now I live because I do not die?
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Friday, December 1, 2017
Spiritual Direction With St. John of the Cross
Please enjoy this post from the archives of Spirit Singing
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Photo: R. Massaro Lourdes, France |
Today's teaching comes from St. John's classic, The Ascent of Mt. Carmel. In this excerpt, St. John makes a seven-fold list of souls who take pleasure in their good works.
First: Vanity and Pride.
_________________________________________These people brag about themselves and their accomplishments. Perhaps you have heard this type of soul in your parish community. They may go on and on about how they formed a prayer group, initiated an adoration program, started a soup kitchen, organized the choir, and on and on. There is no humility in their good works. They boast for all the world to see. They love praise!
Second: Comparing people and their actions
These people love to judge and speculate on the motives of others who perform good works. They infer that the work of another is not as perfect as their own. They do not esteem others or respect them, for they themselves are on the pedestal to which only they can ascend. They become angry when others are noticed and praised. This type of thinking can lead to the sin of detraction.
Third: Only perform good works if praise will be given
St. John teaches that these people resemble the Pharisees that Jesus spoke about. They only perform good works in order to be noticed. Their motive is not the love of God but the praise of men.
Fourth: They do not find their joy in God
These souls are an unhappy and confused people. Since they perform works for human praise, they are confused, upset and angry when they do not receive it. Since their motives are not pure, they find no pleasure in pleasing God alone and finding in Him the only reward necessary. These people are hard to work with, they complain constantly about the amount of work, their schedule, the management, etc.
Listen to this powerful statement of St. John regarding these souls: "There is so much misery among human beings as regards this kind of harm that I believe most of the works publicly achieved are either faulty, worthless, or imperfect in God's sight." He goes on to say, "It can be said that in these works some adore themselves more than God."
St. Therese desired to keep
her acts of charity hidden.
St. John teaches that a lack of detachment is at the heart of this illness. That is why he recommends that in order to avoid this spiritual illness we must strive to hide our good works, even from ourselves! We know from the life of St. Therese and her way of hidden love that she was a master at hiding her good works. Let us learn from her example.
Fifth: Failure to advance in the way of perfection
Since these souls are attached to the consolations received by performing good deeds, they lack perseverance in actually carrying out these good works. When God tries them by removing the sweetness attached to the good works. These souls are spiritually immature, and, in a way, they refuse to "grow up." They prefer "infants milk" instead of the "bread of the perfect" as St. John puts it.
Sixth: They are under the illusion that works that bring satisfaction are better than those that do not
These souls cannot see that God esteems more the deed that requires self-denial than a deed that is easily done because of the consolation one receives. St. John states: "This evil arises when they seek to please themselves in their works and not God alone."
Seventh: Incapable of taking counsel and unable to be formed in the way of perfection
Because of this weakness and imperfection in the soul and of the pride involved, they refuse to believe that anyone can counsel them. St. John says these souls become slack in charity toward God and neighbor. Self-love makes the soul grow cold in charity.
Let us pray for each other, that we always strive to please God and not men when we are performing acts of charity. If we struggle with this, turn to God, who is able to give us the grace needed to purify our motives.
Excerpt from The Ascent of Mt. Carmel, Book III, Chap. 28 No. 1-9, The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D.
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Reflections on the Rule of the
Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites
From the Statutes:
In addition to the days of fasting and of abstinence proper to the Church of the USA and responding to the encouragement of our bishops "to prepare for each Church festival by a day of particular self-denial, penitential prayer and fasting" (NCCB Pastoral Statement "Penitent Discipline" to the US, Washington, DC, 1966) and to our Carmelite traditions, unless excused by reasons of illness or age, we will observe the following:
a) Members will fast on the Vigils of the following feast days:
St. Joseph the Worker
May 1
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
July 16
The Prophet Elijah
July 20
St. Therese
October 1
Holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus
October 15
All Carmelite Saints
November 14
Holy Father St. John of the Cross
December 14
b) For a sufficient reason, the above special fast days may be
c) Anticipated fast days should never involve fasting on Sundays
or Holy Days.
The Order of Carmel is one of the most penitential religious orders in the Church. As Secular Carmelites, we have a different vocation by living in the world, but we share in the same graces and spiritual heritage of our religious brothers and sisters. Let us be resolved to be faithful to our Carmelite discipline of prayer and fasting.
Soon, we will celebrate All Saints of Carmel on November 14. Let us be faithful to our day of fasting and abstinence on November 13, so that we may celebrate with joy the Saints of Carmel who have gone before us.
One only has to read the news to see that our world needs God's mercy! Let us draw down His mercy by offering Him our poor prayers and penance on behalf of sinners.
May all the Saints of Carmel, all those holy souls who were faithful to their Carmelite promises, intercede for us and for our world.
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Thursday, October 19, 2017
From the life of St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila)
One night, being so ill that I wanted to excuse myself from mental prayer, I took my rosary in order to occupy myself in vocal prayer. I tried not to recollect my intellect, even though externally I was recollected in the oratory. When the Lord desires, these devices are of little avail. I was doing this for only a short while when a spiritual rapture came upon me so forcefully that I had no power to resist it. It seemed to me I was brought into heaven, and the first persons I saw there were my father and mother. I saw things so marvelous--in as short a time as it takes to recite a Hail Mary--that I indeed remained outside myself; the experience seemed to me too great a favor. I say it lasted a short time, but perhaps it took a little longer; the impression is that the time was very short. I feared lest the experience be some illusion, although it didn't seem so to me. I didn't know what to do, because I was very ashamed to go to my confessor about this. I don't think the shame was from humility, but I thought he would make fun of me and say: Oh, what a St. Paul you are, or a St. Jerome, that you see heavenly things! And that these glorious saints experienced similar things made me more afraid. I did nothing but weep a great deal, for I didn't think there was any basis for my having such an experience. Finally, however much I disliked doing so, I went to my confessor; I never dared to remain silent about such things--however much I regretted having to speak of them--on account of the great fear I had of being deceived. Since he saw I was so anxious, he consoled me from my troubled feelings.
As time went on, it happened--and continues to happen sometimes--that the Lord showed me greater secrets.
The Book of Her Life Chap. 38, No. 1
St. Teresa, pray for us!
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Photo: R. Massaro (C) 2017 Spirit Singing |
Anyone who has tried to lose weight is probably familiar with our three words for today. Many weight loss programs advise a person to have a "cheat day" once a week, so one does not feel deprived.
I think you know where I am going with you have a cheat day in your spiritual life? Do you take short cuts in the spiritual life? Do you want your reward now? As St. Pio used to say.
How many ways can our human nature try to cheat?
Cheating on a Diet
This cheating seems to be sanctioned and approved by various health professionals and nutritionists.
Cheating on taxes
According to federal statistics, over one and a half million people
cheat when filing their income taxes.
Cheating in school
Schools are facing a modern-day dilemma: students are using technology to cheat on tests and exams.
Cheating in sports (using enhancement drugs)
Major league sports continually report on athletes who cheat and use illegal drugs to excel in sports.
Cheating at Cards
Casinos have severe penalties for those who are caught cheating through "counting cards" and other various means to beat the "House."
Cheating on Your Spouse
Infidelity and cheating on one's spouse causes marriages to shatter and families to break apart. Many times, healing and forgiveness never takes place.
We can also ask ourselves who are trying to lead a life of virtue, if we have fallen prey to the ways of the world in which there is no sense of sin. No fear of God! No fear of offending the Almighty!
Have we been faithful to our baptismal promises, our vows that we renew each year at the Easter season? Have we been faithful to the spouse of our soul: Christ the Lord?
One only has to read the daily news to see that we are living in a post Christian era. This drastic situation calls for drastic measures. This world needs saints. This world needs living witnesses of holiness. This world needs a holy multitude of counterculture spiritual activists: people who will take up a life of prayer and proclaim the Living God and encourage others to do the same.
We are living in dark times. Now is the time to stop cheating and taking short cuts in the spiritual life. We have only one life to live and it is short. Let's make a decision each morning to give Jesus permission to control our life. Let's make a decision to be faithful to prayer today.
Let us pray for each other.
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
How many ways can our human nature try to cheat?
Cheating on a Diet
This cheating seems to be sanctioned and approved by various health professionals and nutritionists.
Cheating on taxes
According to federal statistics, over one and a half million people
cheat when filing their income taxes.
Cheating in school
Schools are facing a modern-day dilemma: students are using technology to cheat on tests and exams.
Cheating in sports (using enhancement drugs)
Major league sports continually report on athletes who cheat and use illegal drugs to excel in sports.
Cheating at Cards
Casinos have severe penalties for those who are caught cheating through "counting cards" and other various means to beat the "House."
Cheating on Your Spouse
Infidelity and cheating on one's spouse causes marriages to shatter and families to break apart. Many times, healing and forgiveness never takes place.
We can also ask ourselves who are trying to lead a life of virtue, if we have fallen prey to the ways of the world in which there is no sense of sin. No fear of God! No fear of offending the Almighty!
Have we been faithful to our baptismal promises, our vows that we renew each year at the Easter season? Have we been faithful to the spouse of our soul: Christ the Lord?
One only has to read the daily news to see that we are living in a post Christian era. This drastic situation calls for drastic measures. This world needs saints. This world needs living witnesses of holiness. This world needs a holy multitude of counterculture spiritual activists: people who will take up a life of prayer and proclaim the Living God and encourage others to do the same.
We are living in dark times. Now is the time to stop cheating and taking short cuts in the spiritual life. We have only one life to live and it is short. Let's make a decision each morning to give Jesus permission to control our life. Let's make a decision to be faithful to prayer today.
Let us pray for each other.
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Saturday, September 9, 2017
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Photo: R. Massaro (c) 2017 Spirit Singing Lourdes, France |
Your nativity, O Virgin, has proclaimed joy to the whole universe. The Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, has shone from you, O Theotokos. By annulling the curse he bestowed a blessing. By destroying death he has granted us eternal life (Troparion).
By your nativity, O most pure virgin, Joachim and Anna are freed from barrenness; Adam and Eve from the corruption of death. And we, your people, freed from the guilt of sin, celebrate and sing to you: The barren woman gives birth to the Theotokos, the Nourisher of our Life (Kontakion).
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Monday, July 31, 2017
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Photo: R. Massaro (C)2017 Spirit Singing-St. Paul Church North Canton, Ohio |
Scripture tells us that St. Paul was blind for three days after a light from the sky brought him to his knees as he fell to the ground. The voice of the Lord spoke directly to him, telling him to go into the city. Saul obeyed.
...As he traveled along and was approaching Damascus, a light from the sky suddenly flashed about him. He fell to the ground..."Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?...I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting...(Acts 9:9)
Paul, a military man, who was used to giving orders, was suddenly obeying the voice of Jesus and others around him after this life-changing experience. He was able to trust those around him to lead him into the city. Once in the city, waiting to be told what to do, Saul has a vision: a man coming to him and healing him of his sudden blindness.
St. Paul's conversion story should make us pause and think of how the Lord became the center of our life. Was our conversion experience as dramatic as Paul's? Or was it a gradual change of heart that led us to follow the Lord? Whether it's the story of St. Paul, or another saint, or a friend or family member, a person's spiritual conversion should leave us amazed and grateful for how the Holy Spirit works to convert the hearts of men.
Sometimes, others around us become that blinding light for us. They speak truthfully and sometimes harshly to us about our sinfulness and lack of virtue. Sometimes, it is the Holy Spirit that sheds the blinding light on us in our time of prayer. He convicts us of sin, encourages us in virtue, or sheds light on Scripture or Church teaching for us. St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila) speaks of this sometimes painful light as "self-knowledge." It is the gift of the Holy Spirit who shows us who we truly are before the Lord. Hopefully, we respond in humility and not run in fear from the truth and give up on prayer.
The conversion of St. Paul reminds me of the prophet, Elijah. While St. Paul experienced an audible voice of the Lord, a voice that was heard by those around him, Elijah, the man of prayer, heard the voice of the Lord within his heart. For those of us who are seeking the Lord in prayer on a daily basis, we strive to hear His voice in our heart. We look for a word from Him, telling us what we should do, or we wait for a word of encouragement, or an admonition, or His gift of consolation. We are receptive to whatever He wishes to give us in the time of prayer.
We can recall that when we were first converted to the Lord, we needed the help of others to lead us, just as St. Paul needed his men to lead him into the city. Paul needed the wisdom of others to guide him, just as we need confessors and spiritual directors to lead and guide us. Paul was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit! We who are baptized and confirmed Christians must go forth and evangelize just as Paul did. Sometimes the mission field is in our backyard with family, friends, and coworkers. Let us share the amazing grace of God with others.
"Amazing Grace...I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see!"
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!
Day 9,
Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
(From a novena dated 1931)
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Photo: R. Massaro (C) 2017 Spirit Singing-St. Anthony Church Akron, Ohio DAY 8
O Glorious Queen of Angels! Most pure and Ever Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel! Powerful Advocate of all those who wear thy holy Scapular! Faithful Protectress of all the servants of thy Son Jesus Christ! I, an unworthy sinner, do this day, in the presence of thy beloved Son, my Saviour, choose thee for my Patroness, that through thy intercession, I may receive from Him whatsoever grace may be necessary and profitable for me now, and at the hour of my death. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Let us pray...
Hail, Flower of Carmel,
Hail, frutiful Vine!
Hail, ever Immaculate Queen,
In whom all virtues shine.
O Mother mild, implore thy Son,
To hear our prayers now,
And at the hour of our death. Amen.
Let us pray...
O Almighty and Eternal God, who didst adorn the holy Order of Carmel with the glorious title of Thy Immaculate and ever Blessed Mother, grant propitiously that those who celebrate her Solemn Commemoration may, by the assistance of Thy grace, turn their affection from all irregular adherence to this world, and place them entirely on the enjoyment of Thee, Who livest and reignest, one God world without end. Amen.
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Day 8,
Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Friday, July 14, 2017
(From a Novena dated 1931)
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Photo: R Massaro (C) 2017 Spirit Singing-St. Anthony Church Akron, Ohio DAY 7
O Glorious Queen of Angels! Most pure and Ever Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel! Powerful Advocate of all those who wear thy holy Scapular! Faithful Protectress of all the servants of thy Son Jesus Christ! I, an unworthy sinner, do this day, in the presence of thy beloved Son, my Saviour, choose thee for my Patroness, that through thy intercession, I may receive from Him whatsoever grace may be necessary and profitable for me now, and at the hour of my death. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Let us pray...
O most Holy Mary of Mt. Carmel, pray for me, I beseech thee, that through the merits of thy Son, I may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body, and that I may serve Him faithfully in this life, and hereafter see, love, and enjoy Him in the kingdom of His glory. Who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, One God, world without end. Amen.
Hail, Flower of Carmel,
Hail, frutiful Vine!
Hail, ever Immaculate Queen,
In whom all virtues shine.
O Mother mild, implore thy Son,
To hear our prayers now,
And at the hour of our death. Amen.
Let us pray...
O Almighty and Eternal God, who didst adorn the holy Order of Carmel with the glorious title of Thy Immaculate and ever Blessed Mother, grant propitiously that those who celebrate her Solemn Commemoration may, by the assistance of Thy grace, turn their affection from all irregular adherence to this world, and place them entirely on the enjoyment of Thee, Who livest and reignest, one God world without end. Amen.
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Day 7,
Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Thursday, July 13, 2017
(From a Novena dated 1931)
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Photo: R. Massaro (C) 2017 Spirit Singing-St. Anthony Church Akron, Ohio DAY 6
O Glorious Queen of Angels! Most pure and Ever Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel! Powerful Advocate of all those who wear thy holy Scapular! Faithful Protectress of all the servants of thy Son Jesus Christ! I, an unworthy sinner, do this day, in the presence of thy beloved Son, my Saviour, choose thee for my Patroness, that through thy intercession, I may receive from Him whatsoever grace may be necessary and profitable for me now, and at the hour of my death. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Let us pray...
O Mot Glorious and ever Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel, I offer unto thee this day, all my thoughts, words and actions: I am weak and infirm, dejected and cast down at every tribulation, and terrified at the dismal prospect a review of my own interior gives me. All is misery, a continual propensity to vice, and repugnance to virtue. O Mother of Mercy and refuge of sinners, thou wilt not reject a contrite and humble heart. Intercede for me, I beseech thee, that I may so live in this sinful world, that at the hour of death I may be worthy to be admitted into the Regions of Bliss. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth, One God, world without end. Amen.
Day 6,
Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
(From a Novena dated 1931)
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Photo: R. Massaro (c) 2017 Spirit Singing-St. Anthony Church Akron, Ohio DAY 5
O Glorious Queen of Angels! Most pure and Ever Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel! Powerful Advocate of all those who wear thy holy Scapular! Faithful Protectress of all the servants of thy Son Jesus Christ! I, an unworthy sinner, do this day, in the presence of thy beloved Son, my Saviour, choose thee for my Patroness, that through thy intercession, I may receive from Him whatsoever grace may be necessary and profitable for me now, and at the hour of my death. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Let us pray...
O Most Glorious Virgin Mother, who, by favor of thy Divine Son hast so great power in heaven and on earth, enlighten my blindness and strengthen my resolution. The zeal thou hast in promoting the welfare of thy sacred Order, and the part thou takest in seeing the grace of our Redeemer abound in us, give me a right to thy interest in this my request; and when that awful hour of death approaches, be to me, I beseech thee, a tender Mother, and by thy prayers dispose thy Son Jesus Christ favorably in my regard. Amen.
Day 5,
Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Sunday, July 9, 2017
(From a Novena dated 1931)
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Photo: R. Massaro (C) 2017 Spirit Singing-St. Anthony Church Akron, Ohio |
O Glorioius Queen of Angels! Most pure and Ever Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel! Powerful Advocate of all those who wear thy holy Scapular! Faithful Protectress of all the servants of thy Son Jesus Christ! I, an unworthy sinner, do this day, in the presence of thy beloved Son, my Saviour, choose thee for my Patroness, that through thy intercession, I may receive from Him whatsoever grace may be necessary and profitable for me now, and at the hour of my death. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Let us pray...
O Almighty and Eternal God, vouchsafe to impart to us, Thy unworthy servants, a small portion of that heavenly grace with which Thou has been pleased to sanctify Thy servant Mary; adn grant that, through her intercession and protection, we may be shilded against all temptations, and be secure from all our enemies. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
Hail, Flower of Carmel,
Hail, frutiful Vine!
Hail, ever Immaculate Queen,
In whom all virtues shine.
O Mother mild, implore thy Son,
To hear our prayers now,
And at the hour of our death. Amen.
O Almighty and Eternal God, vouchsafe to impart to us, Thy unworthy servants, a small portion of that heavenly grace with which Thou has been pleased to sanctify Thy servant Mary; adn grant that, through her intercession and protection, we may be shilded against all temptations, and be secure from all our enemies. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
Hail, Flower of Carmel,
Hail, frutiful Vine!
Hail, ever Immaculate Queen,
In whom all virtues shine.
O Mother mild, implore thy Son,
To hear our prayers now,
And at the hour of our death. Amen.
Let us pray...
O Almighty and Eternal God, who didst adorn the holy Order of Carmel with the glorious title of Thy Immaculate and ever Blessed Mother, grant propitiously that those who celebrate her Solemn Commemoration may, by the assistance of Thy grace, turn their affection from all irregular adherence to this world, and place them entirely on the enjoyment of Thee, Who livest and reignest, one God world without end. Amen.
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
Day 2,
Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Friday, July 7, 2017
(From a Novena dated 1931)
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Photo: R. Massaro (C) 2017 Spirit Singing St. Anthony Church Akron, Ohio |
O Glorious Queen of Angels! Most pure and Ever Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel! Powerful Advocate of all those who wear thy holy Scapular! Faithful Protectress of all the servants of thy Son Jesus Christ! I, an unworthy sinner, do this day, in the presence of thy beloved Son, my Saviour, choose thee for my Patroness, that through thy intercession, I may receive from Him whatsoever grace may be necessary and profitable for me now, and at the hour of my death. Amen.
Our Father and Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Let us pray...
O Almighty and Eternal God, who didst adorn the holy Order of Carmel with the glorious title of Thy Immaculate and ever Blessed Mother, grant propitiously that those who celebrate her Solemn Commemoration may, by the assistance of Thy grace, turn their affection from all irregular adherence to this world, and place them entirely on the enjoyment of Thee, Who livest and reignest, one God world without end. Amen.
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS
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