Sunday, April 10, 2022


Photo: R.Massaro(C)2020 Spirit Singing
St.Joan of Arc Church Canton, Ohio

Jesus, Son of God,                                              
Have mercy on us

Jesus, Son of the Sorrowful Mother,                    
Have mercy on us

Jesus, Redeemer of the world                              
Have mercy on us

Jesus, meek and humble of heart                          
Have mercy on us

Jesus, burning with love for us                              
Have mercy on us

Jesus, abandoned by the apostles                          
Have mercy on us

Jesus, sold for thirty pieces of silver                      
Have mercy on us

Jesus, agonizing in the garden                              
Have mercy on us

Jesus, betrayed by Judas' kiss                              
Have mercy on us

Jesus, denied by Peter                                          
Have mercy on us

Jesus, mocked and scorned                                  
Have mercy on us

Jesus, condemned unjustly                                    
Have mercy on us

Jesus, bound and blindfolded                                
Have mercy on us

Jesus, struck and spit upon                                  
Have mercy on us

Jesus, crowned with thorns                                    
Have mercy on us

Jesus, scourged at the pillar                                  
Have mercy on us

Jesus, laden with the heavy cross                          
Have mercy on us

Jesus, burdened with our sins                                
Have mercy on us

Jesus, crucified between two thieves                    
Have mercy on us

Jesus, suffering on the cross                                  
Have mercy on us

Jesus, obedient unto death                                    
Have mercy on us

Jesus, who died for us                                          
Have mercy on us

Jesus, placed in the tomb                                      
Have mercy on us

Jesus, raised from the dead                                    
Have mercy on us

Jesus, salvation for all                                            
Have mercy on us

Jesus, mediator for us with the Father                    
Have mercy on us

Jesus, our peace and reconciliation                        
Have mercy on us

Jesus, fount of love and mercy                              
Have mercy on us

May all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Source: Written by Esther Potter, resident of Akron, Ohio, when she was 95 years old.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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