Sunday, November 7, 2010


Once while I was reciting with all the Sisters the hours of the Divine Office, my soul suddenly became recollected; and it seemed to me to be like a brightly polished mirror, without any part on the back or sides or top or bottom that wasn't totally the way I usually see Him. In its center Christ, our Lord, was shown to me, in the way I usually see him. It seemed to me I saw Him clearly in every part of my soul, as though in a mirror. And this mirror also--I don't know how to explain it--was completely engraved upon the Lord Himself by means of a very loving communication I wouldn't know how to describe. I know that this vision is very beneficial to me each time I remember it, especially after receiving Communion.
St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila) from the Book of her Life

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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