Wednesday, August 4, 2010

St. John of the Cross-Sayings of Light and Love

(double click screen to enlarge)

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds


  1. Thank you Rose for the posting:

    I like the first comment and will ponder it; I'm sure he had something in mind in speaking of things with no spiritual substance, but it seems to me that most things have such substance, although it may be harmful.
    The process of examining the spiritual substance of things strikes me as valuable in itself and helpful in fighting sloth, the sorrow over spiritual things.
    The second comment over my head; I miss the distinction.
    On another matter, I'm troubled about the San Francisco decision overturning Prop 8. In Dante's Inferno, Canto V, he writes this:

    "As cranes go over sounding their harsh cry,
    leaving the long streak of their flight in air,
    so come these spirits, wailing as they fly.

    And watching their shadows lashed by wind, I cried:
    'Master, what souls are these the very air
    lashes with its black whips from side to side?'

    'The first of these whose history you would know,'
    he answered me, 'was Empress of many tongues.
    Mad sensuality corrupted her so

    that to hide the guilt of her debauchery
    she licensed all depravity alike,
    and lust and law were one in her decree."
    God bless you.
    Tom H

  2. Tom,

    Thanks for your insightful and astute comments. Thanks also for sharing powerful excerpts from the Inferno-words appropriate for the situation you mentioned.

    In my opinion, the only weapon to combat the world's spiritual ills is prayer, in particular, the Rosary. Our Lady of Fatima said the Rosary can change things, even preventing wars. Let us turn to Our Lady for help.

    In Christ
