Monday, August 2, 2010

Carmelite Quote

A quote by St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes
before she entered the Carmelite Order:

(photo: R.Massaro, St.Agnes Church Orrville, Ohio)


The other day I was coming before the exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament, I was asking myself, why don't we all fall madly in love with Him?  Oh, Mother, I want so much to belong to Him completely, to give myself entirely to Him! When will I become a Carmelite so that I can live only in Him, and for Him, and because of Him? Pray for me, please. I always remember you, Rev. Mother, and all my dear Sisters. I love them so. And although my prayers don't count for much, I am asking Our Lord to make the Sisters saints.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds


  1. God reward you for this post! I dearly love St Teresa of the Andes.

  2. Thank you for visiting. She is one of my favorite Carmelites,too!
