Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Catechism Quote

Catechism #2214 & 2215

The divine fatherhood is the source of human fatherhood; this is the foundation of the honor owed to parents. The respect of children, whether minors or adults, for their father and mother is nourished by the natural affection born of the bond uniting them. It is required by God's commandment.

Respect for parents derives from gratitude toward those who, by the gift of life, their love and their work, have brought their children into the world and enabled them to grow in stature, wisdom, and grace. With all your heart honor your father,and do not forget the birth pangs of your mother. Remember that through your parents you were born; what can you give back to them that equals their gift to you?" (Sirach 7:27-28)

As Secular Carmelites, we should also honor our holy parents in the spiritual life: St. Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross. We can ask ourselves:

* Am I obedient to their teachings?

* Do I ask for their prayerful assistance each day?

* Do I honor them by respecting their sons and daughters of the Order, my brothers and sisters in Carmel?

*Do I pray for my deceased brothers and sisters?

In this "Year for Priests" let us also remember in prayer all the priests who give us the Bread of Life: Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Let us be truly grateful for the gift of ordained Priesthood in which these holy men bring us sanctifying grace by means of the Sacraments.

Let us be faithful to our Holy Parents of Carmel and ask their constant intercession for us to be faithful to holy Mother Church.

Peace be with you!

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