Friday, August 7, 2009

Carmelite Feast Day

St. Albert of Trapani, priest

Albert degli Abbati was born in Trapani in Sicily in the thirteenth century. Having joined the Carmelites and been ordained a priest, he soon became famous for his preaching and miracles. He was provincial in Sicily in 1926, and died at Messina, probably in 1307, with a reputation for purity and prayer.

Lord God, you made St. Albert of Trapani a model ofpurity and prayer, and a devoted servant of Our Lady.May we practice these same virtues and so be worthy alwaysto share the banquet of your grace.We ask this through Christ ou Lord. Amen.
(From the Carmelite Proper)

Let us remember in prayer all priests today, especially our Carmelite priests and brothers and our provincial, Fr. Grennon.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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