Prayer to Our Lady of Consolation
Patron of the State of Ohio
Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, Consoler of the Afflicted, we place ourselves this day under your special protection and invoke your motherly aide. We promise to be faithful to your divine Son and to honor you with our whole heart. Accept us, we do implore you as your children, and protect us now and forever. Ever guide our footsteps; comfort us in our pain and grief; teach us through life to do the will of God and be with us at the hour of our death. Amen.
Devotional/Honorary Titles of Mary from the Fifty States
of the United States and the Nation's Capital.
Courtesty of http://doctorsofthecatholicchurch.com/
AK Our Lady of Kodiak and the Islands
Courtesty of http://doctorsofthecatholicchurch.com/
AK Our Lady of Kodiak and the Islands
AL Our Lady of the Gulf
AR Our Lady of the Holy Souls
AZ Our Lady of the Highways
CA Our Lady of the Wayside
CO Immaculate Mary
CT Notre Dame of Easton
DE Our Lady of Mercy
FL Our Lady of LaLeche
GA Immaculate Heart of Mary
HI Star of the Sea
IA St. Mary of Nazareth
ID Our Lady of Limerick
IL Our Lady of the Universe
IN Our Lady of Providence
KS Mary Queen of Angels
KY Mother of God
LA Our Lady of Prompt Succor
MA Our Lady of the Incarnation
MD Our Lady of the Assumption
ME Our Lady of Peace
MI Gate of Heaven
MN Mother of the Church
MO Our Lady of Calvary
MS Our Lady of Sorrows
MT Our Lady of the Pines
NC Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
ND St. Mary Queen of Peace
NE Our Lady of the Presentation
NH Our Lady of Perpetual Help
NJ Our Lady of Fatima
NM Our Lady of Guadalupe
NV Our Lady of Las Vegas
NY Help of Christians
OH Our Lady of Consolation
OK Queen of All Saints
OR Our Lady of the Woods
PA Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
RI Our Lady of Mount Carmel
SC St Mary the Virgin Mother
SD Our Lady of the Prairie
TN Our Lady of Lourdes
TX Our Lady of the Annunciation
UT Our Lady of the Snows
VA Queen of the Apostles
VT Our Lady of Grace
WA Our Lady of Good Help
WA,DC Our Immaculate Queen
WI Our Lady of the Americas
WV Our Lady of Victory
WI Our Lady of the Americas
WY St Mary of the Valley
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds