St. Teresa writes about the state of this soul with the gift of piety in her third mansion of the Interior Castle. She says these people love to spend time with His Majesty. They are fond of hearing the Word of God and listening to sermons, which may cause them to shed gentle tears.
We may have a perverted notion of the gift of piety. When you call someone pious, it almost has a negative connotation to it. The true gift of piety, is sincere, holy, and a condition of the heart. It is not merely "appearing" to be holy by our behavior and actions.
Thinking of the Gift of Piety brings to mind Jesus' Sermon on the Mount:Blessed are those who hunger for holiness, they will have their fill. As Carmelites called to contemplative prayer, we need to constantly challenge ourselves and ask the hard questions:

*Do I love the Word of God and spend time with the Lord in silent meditation, listening for Him to speak? Or, do I just do the minimum requirement of 1/2 hour of spiritual reading per day, and even that is a drudgery for me. Do I hunger for the Word of God and ponder it in my heart in imitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary?
*Do I try to live a Eucharistic centered life by attending daily mass when possible? Do I have a real hunger and longing to receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist?
As Carmelites, we are called to seek the face of God in prayer on behalf of the Church. We have promised to do this with our brothers and sisters and all of heaven as witnesses of our holy commitment. We are also called to live the Beatitudes. Our promise formula states:
I, ______________desiring to follow the Crucified and risen Christ in the Secular Order of Carmel, renew my profession/vow, and I promise to tend toward Evangelical Counsels of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience, and of the Beatitudes, according to the Rule of Life of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites.
I confidently entrust my promise/vow to the Virgin Mary, Mother and Queen of Carmel.
Let us ask Our Lady of Mt. Carmel to obtain for us from the Holy Spirit the true gift of infused Piety. A piety that will set our hearts of fire for God and the things of Heaven!
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds