Saturday, November 16, 2019


Photo: R. Massaro (c) 2019 Spirit Singing   


Hail Mary! Behold, most merciful Mother, Thy poor and sorrowful children who suffer so grievously in the purification of purgatory. We beg Thee, for the sake of the great joy which the angelic salutation caused Thee, have compassion on them, and send them Thy holy angel to bring them also joyful greeting, and to announce to them release from their sufferings. 

Full of Grace! Obtain for them grace, mercy and remission of the great cleansing they now endure. The Lord is with Thee! He will deny Thee nothing, but will hear Thy prayer and mercifully come to the assistance of these poor souls.  

Blessed art thou amongst women! Aye among all creatures in the world! Bless and render happy with Thy intercession the poor imprisoned souls, and deliver them from their bonds.  

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, who is the Savior and Redeemer of the whole world, born without pain of Thee, a Virgin! Have mercy on the souls departed! O Merciful Mother, hasten to their assistance.  

Holy Mary, Mother of God! Wonderful Virgin Mother, pray for us sinners and for the souls in purgatory now and forever, and at the hour of our death; and as Thou didst assist the souls departed in their last agony, so assist them now in their grievous suffering, that delivered by Thy motherly intercession they may pass from present suffering to everlasting joy, from their anguish and torment, to everlasting rest and glory, and rejoice with Thee and the whole Heavenly Host through all eternity. Amen

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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