As secular Carmelites, we can be witnesses in the world of God's love by being a witness to our charism of prayer. In the quotes below, our Holy Mother, St. Teresa, teaches us to linger with the Lord after receiving Him in Holy Communion.
In our busy lives, are we guilty of running out of church as soon as Mass is over? Is it "business as usual" just a few moments after we have just received Jesus, the Bread of Life? Of course, sometimes it is necessary for us to leave immediately, but let us take to heart the teaching of St. Teresa and stay with Our Lord after Communion. This is a wonderful time for mental prayer, and even if we only have fifteen minutes to stay with Jesus, it is fifteen minutes of heaven that will prepare us for the challenges of the day.
Our charism is prayer. Let us make every effort to receive Jesus daily, if possible. Let us make our heart a dwelling place for the Living God.
Photo: R. Massaro C)2018 Spirit Singing |
The feast of Corpus Christi was one of St. John of the Cross' favorite feast days. Here are a few lines of his poem The Song of the Soul that Rejoices in knowing God through Faith:
This eternal spring is hidden in this living bread for our life's sake,
although it is night.
It is here calling out to creatures; and they satisfy their thirst, although in darkness,
because it is night.
This living spring that I long for,
I see in this bread of life,
although it is night.
From The Way of Perfection, Chapter 34:
No. 10:
...He has many methods of showing Himself to the soul, through great interior feelings and through other different ways. Be with Him willingly; don't lose so good an occasion for conversing with Him as is the hour after having received Communion. If obedience should command something, Sisters, strive to leave your soul with the Lord. If you immediately turn your thoughts to other things, if you pay no attention and take no account of the fact that He is within you, how will He be able to reveal Himself to you? This, then, is a good time for our Master to teach us, and for us to listen to Him, kiss His feet because He wanted to teach us, and beg Him not to leave.
No: 12:
But after having received the Lord, since you have the Person Himself present, strive to close the eyes of the body and open those of the soul and look into your own heart. For I tell you, and tell you again, and would like to tell you many times that you should acquire the habit of doing this every time you receive Communion and strive to have such a conscience that you will be allowed to enjoy this blessing frequently.
St. John of the Cross, pray for us!
St. Teresa of Jesus, pray for us!
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS