Sunday, May 27, 2018

I have experienced this presence of the three Persons, which I mentioned at the beginning, up to this day which is the feast of the Commemoration of St. Paul. They are very habitually present in my soul. Since I was accustomed to experience only the presence of Jesus, it always seemed to me there was some obstacle to my
seeing three Persons, although I understand there is only one God. And the Lord told me today while I was reflecting upon this that I was mistaken in thinking of things of the soul through comparison with corporeal things, that I should know that these spiritual things are very different and that the soul is capable of great rejoicing. It seemed to me there came the thought of how a sponge absorbs and is saturated with water; so, I thought, was my soul which was overflowing with that divinity and in a certain way rejoicing within itself and possessing the three Persons.

I also heard the words: "Don't try to hold Me within yourself, but try to hold yourself within Me." It seemed to me that from within my soul--where I saw these three Persons present--these persons were communicating themselves to all creation without fail, nor did they fail to be with me.  
St. Teresa of Jesus, Spiritual Testimonies No. 14

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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