Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Spiritual Direction with St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila)

Here is an excerpt from the book Conversation with Christ by Peter Thomas Rohrbach in which St. Teresa of Jesus gives us practical advice about prayer:

St. Teresa advises us to choose a comfortable position at prayer; but, she wisely adds, a position that is not too comfortable--else drowsiness might set in. Meditation is a period in which we unite ourselves with God; it should not be devoted to the practice of physical mortifications entailed in rigid posture, or the like. It might be better to begin our meditation on our knees. This will aid us in drawing our attention to Christ; but when bodily weariness begins to assert itself, it is entirely proper to change one's position. Hence, prayer may be made while sitting, or standing, or even while walking. Here again the individual must select for himself the posture most conducive to his own meditation...

As regards the position of the eyes, common sense would furnish the answer. We definitely will not be able to sustain a conversation with Christ while we are gazing at passersby, or studying the interior of some church. If we make our meditation in a place free from noise or commotion, it might be possible to keep our eyes open and continue our conversation with Christ. But if one is in the midst of  a variety of distractions, the eyes must, of necessity, remain closed...

At the beginning of prayer, St. Teresa advises the soul to humble itself before God. This can be done by a brief consideration of one's own faults.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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