Saturday, October 15, 2022


St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila)

Photo: R. Massaro (C)2017 Spirit Singing- Regina Health Center Richfield, Ohio

 In sum, my Sisters, what I conclude with is that we shouldn't build castles in the air. The Lord doesn't look so much at the greatness of our works as at the love with which they are done. And if we do what we can, His Majesty will enable us each day to do more and more, provided that we do not quickly tire. But during the little while this life lasts--and perhaps it will last a shorter time than each one thinks--let us offer the Lord interiorly and exteriorly the sacrifice we can. His Majesty will join it with that which He offered on the cross to the Father for us. Thus even though our works are small they will have the value our love for Him would have merited had they been great.

May it please His Majesty, my Sisters and daughters, that we all reach that place where we may every praise Him. Through the merits of His Son who lives and reign forever and ever, may He give me the grace to carry out something of what I tell you, amen.  
The Interior Castle, Seventh Mansion, Chapter 4, No: 15-16.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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