Friday, December 9, 2016



Photo: R. Massaro Lourdes, France

Yesterday, we celebrated the feast of St. Juan Diego, the visionary of Guadalupe. On Monday, we will celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Did you know that the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a mandatory feast day for the people of the Americas? Many feast days are optional, meaning the priest has the option of using the prayers proper to the saint of the particular day, or he may use the readings of the day. Below is an excerpt from the homily of St. John Paul II when he declared the feast to be mandatory.

"The Apostle Paul teaches us that we are no longer servants, but children of God. Therefore, the Church must proclaim the Gospel of Life and blame the culture of death. May it be the culture of life. Life for all! For all who have been conceived in the mother’s womb, refugees, the young, the old, for those who suffer, dear brothers and sister. The time has come of every attack against life--no more violence, terrorism, no more torture, or other forms of abuse. There must be an end to the death penalty---no more exploitation ---never again! The conscience is of the children of God. This will inspire them to live a better life. We must build up a New Springtime on the continents so it will go hand and hand."

A climax in the Holy Father’s homily concluded with the following words, "I wish to entrust and offer the future of this continent to Most Holy Mary, Mother of Christ and the Church. That is why, I have the great joy to announce today that I have declared this date December the 12th, as a Liturgical Holy Day for the whole continent."

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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