Thursday, February 13, 2014


St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila) on Prayer:

As regards the position of the eyes, common sense should furnish the answer. We definitely will not be able to sustain a conversation with Christ while we are gazing at passersby, or studying the interior of some church. If we make our meditation in a place free from noise or commotion, it might be possible to keep our eyes open and continue our conversation with Christ. But if one is in the midst of a variety of distractions, the eyes, must, of necessity, remain closed.

 As a general rule, St. Teresa encourages us to keep our eyes constantly shut during prayer. She notes that this will be extremely difficult at first; but after a short while, one will find himself unable to meditate unless his eyes are closed.

Rohrbach, Thomas. Conversation with Christ, Illinois: Tan Books, 1980

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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