Saturday, October 19, 2013


(Wonderful Mother)

File:Mater Admirabilis.JPG
Photo Source: Wikipedia

 In 1844, a young French novice, Pauline Perdrau, received permission from the Mother Superior to paint Our Lady in a niche located in a corridor that opened on the cloister. Now, Pauline was a very determined, but a “not so good” painter, the sister explained to us, and she had never done a fresco before. So even after spending hours every day for months on the image, the completed work was also “not so good.” In fact, it was so ugly that the Mother Superior hid it from sight by covering it with a curtain. Read more...


O Mother of Jesus, we come to you as to a living spring to quench our thirst, or as to a fire to warm our hearts.

You are the light of dawn that dispels our darkness, the Mother always attentive to the distress of her children.
O Mother most Admirable, life is often hard,nor is it easy to tread the path of duty with unwavering step.
It is not easy to love our neighbor, our brother, as Jesus would have us love him, to keep our souls unchanged amid the changing chances of life, to love creatures and yet keep our hearts for God alone,to be little and humble when pride rises up within us.
It is difficult to walk steadily toward the God of light, through dark and misty ways.
There are days when everything is a burden;but you, O Wonderful Mother, can make everything easy.

You make our way easy by making our love stronger.

It was love that impelled you, on the threshold of your high destiny, to utter your “Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

That word, once given, you never took back. You never resisted suffering but opened yourself to its action, humbly and sweetly offering it to God.
O Mother, may your example be my strength.

O most sweet Mother, give me a valiant heart,and when my love grows weak, give me, your child, something of your own love, that I may learn again from you what true love means.
(From the Society of the Sacred Heart)

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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