Sunday, October 27, 2013



From the writings of St. John of the Cross:

...One should be distrustful of ceremonies unapproved by the Catholic Church; and the manner of saying Mass should be left to the priest who represents the Church at the altar, for he has received directions from her as to how Mass should be said. And persons should not desire new methods as if they knew more than the Holy Spirit and his Church. If in such simplicity God does not hear them, let them be convinced that he will not answer them no matter how many ceremonies they invent. For God is such that if people live in harmony with him and do his will he will give them whatever they want, but if they seek their own interests it will be useless for them to speak to God.

And regarding other ceremonies in vocal prayers and other devotions, one should not become attached to any ceremonies or modes of prayer other than those Christ taught us. When his disciples asked him to teach them to pray, Christ obviously, as one who knew so well his Father's will, would have told them all that was necessary in order to obtain an answer from the Eternal Father. And, in fact, he taught them only those seven petitions of the Pater Noster, which include all our spiritual and temporal needs, and he did not teach numerous other kinds of prayers and ceremonies...

The Ascent of Mount Carmel Chapter 44, No. 3-4

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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