Monday, July 1, 2013


St. Bernard of Clairvaux 
 12 Steps of Pride and 12 Steps of Humility

Photo: R.Massaro (C)2013SpiritSinging
St. Bernard Church Akron, Ohio

12 Steps of Pride

1. Curiosity about what is not one's proper concern
2. Light mindedness: chatter and exclamation about things which do not matter
3. Laughing about nothing; foolish merriment
4. Boasting and talking too much
5. Trying to be different: claiming special rights
6. Thinking oneself holier than others
7. Interfering presumptuously with the affairs of others
8. Self-justification: defending one's sinful actions
9. Insincere confession
10. Rebelling against superiors
11. Feeling free to sin
12. Habitual sinning

12 Steps of Humility

12. Containment of one's interests, which shows itself in a humble bearing and lowered eyes
11. Quiet and restrained speech
10. Reluctance to laugh
9. Keeping silent unless asked to speak
8. Regarding oneself as having no special rights in the community
7. Thinking oneself less holy than the others
6. Thinking oneself unworthy to take initiative
5. Confessing one's sins
4. Patience in the face of accusation
3. Submission to superiors
2. Desiring no freedom to exercise one's will
1. Constant watchfulness against sin

From: Bernard of Clairvaux - Selected Works, Gillian R. Evans, 1987.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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