Saturday, February 10, 2018


Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
Wold Day of Prayer for the Sick
February 11

Photo:R.Massaro (C)2013SpiritSinging-
Grotto-Lourdes, France

Today Mary dwells in the joy and the glory of the Resurrection. The tears shed at the foot of the Cross have been transformed into a smile which nothing can wipe away, even as her maternal compassion towards us remains unchanged. The intervention of the Virgin Mary in offering succor throughout history testifies to this, and she doesn't cease to call forth, in the people of God, an unshakable confidence in her: the Memorare prayer expresses thissentiment very well. Mary loves each of her children, giving particular attention to those who, like her Son at the hour of his Passion, are prey to suffering; she loves them quite simply because they are her children, according to the will of Christ on the Cross.

Benedict the XVI on the 150 Anniversary of Lourdes

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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