Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday of Our Lady


Prayer of St. Bernadette:


O Mary, O Mother of Sorrows!
At the foot of the Cross you received the title of our Mother. I am the child of your sorrows, the child of Calvary. O Mary, my tender Mother, behold your child at the end of her resources. Have pity on me. Obtain that I shall one day be in heaven with you.

You, who saw and felt the utter desolation of your dear Son, assist me during my desolation. I come to place the anguish of my heart in your heart and to draw from it strength and courage.

May I remain like you at the foot of the Cross, if such be the pleasure of your divine Son! May I begin here below, my soul united to your soul to glorify the Lord by this perpetual homage of a perfect submission.

By St. Francis de Sales


The everlasting God has in his wisdom foreseen from eternity the Cross that he now presents to you as a gift  from his inmost heart. This Cross he now sends you he has considered with his all-knowing eyes, understood with his divine mind, tested with his wise justice, warmed with his loving arms and weighed with his own hands to see that it be not an inch too large and not an ounce too heavy for you.  He has blessed it with his Holy Name, anointed it with his graces, perfumed it with his consolation, taken one last glance at you and your courage, and then sent it to you from heaven, a special greeting from God to you, an alms of the all merciful love of God.


Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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