Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday of Our Lady

Photo:R.Massaro-St. Augustine Barberton, Ohio
Threefold Offering in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I.  Holiest Virgin, with all my heart I worship thee above all the angels and saints in paradise as the daughter of the eternal Father, and to thee I consecrate my soul and all of its powers. Hail Mary, etc.

II.  Holiest Virgin, with all my heart I worship thee above all the angels and saints in paradise as the Mother of the only-begotten  Son, and to thee I consecrate by body with all its senses. Hail Mary, etc.

III. Holiest Virgin with all my heart I worship thee above all the angels and saints in paradise as the spouse of the Holy Ghost, and to thee I consecrate my heart and all its affections, praying thee to obtain for me from the ever blessed Trinity all the graces which I need for my salvation. Hail Mary, etc.


Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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