Sunday, December 11, 2011

Three Words of Wisdom


Today's "Three Words of Wisdom" immediately call to mind Our Lord's beautiful exhortation, "Come to me all you who labor and find life burdomsome..."  We could take liberty with this passage and write our own statement that we would hope to hear from our Dear Lord.  All we need do is call to mind the cross he is asking us to carry at this moment in our life.  What would you like to hear Jesus say to you ?  Perhaps, "Come to me, all you who are sick."  "Come to me, all you who are experiencing family problems." Come to me, " All you who are unemployed."  Come to me, all you who are mourning and weeping over a deceased loved one."

Jesus tells us to Come to him. Let us make the effort to meet him face-to-face, for he has already come to us and abides with us.
Jesus invites us to "come to him" on a daily basis; in prayer, in the Holy Eucharist, in Scripture, in our neighbor.  We have the opportunity each day to meet him face-to-face in so many ways, we only need to turn to him, to be aware of his presence within us.

Let us approach Our Lord humbly, ever-mindful of who we are before him: his servants, yet his children, too. He is waiting to give us what we need: his very body and blood, the Holy Eucharist for our spiritual journey, his companionship in prayer, the support of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Let us have a great desire to see all people come to Him. He is waiting with arms open....for you!

Visit the Carmelite Monastery of Port Tobacco, MD

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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