Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday of Our Lady

Our Lady
Comforter of the Afflicted

From the life of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes:

Following your suggestion, Rev. Father, I meditate on Saturdays upon the Virgin Mary's virtues. Our Lord told me to meditate on her purity, and then I heard a voice teaching me and explaining my Mother's purity.  I don't know what it was, but I didn't recognize the voice and asked Our Lord if it were He speaking. But He told me that it was His Mother. Then the Most Holy Virgin told me that she would reveal to me her motherly Heart, so that I could read in it how far her purity extended; so that, by imitating this virtue, I'd be able to achieve complete union with God.  After telling me all this, she told me everything I must strive to do in order to be pure and belong to God completely.
1.  That I should turn away every thought that was not of God, so that in this way I can continually live in His presence. That I should avoid every affection for creatures, so that they'll never disturb me.
2.  That I am to have no other desire but to belong more and more to God each day...
3.  That I am to be pure in my deeds: to abstain from everything that might stain me in the slightest, and do only what is pleasing to God, who seeks my sanctification...

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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