Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday of Our Lady

Lourdes Shrine Euclid, Ohio

The first source of Mary's blessedness was her faith. She was greeted as blessed "because she believed." Of no other creature was such faith asked. She had to accept with divine faith that her child in the crib, whose dead broken body was later given back into her arms, was "indeed the Son of God." This was the faith which, like a brilliant light, played on all her words and on the mystery she kept pondering right through her life.

St. Peter Mansfield, Ohio
Through days of sunshine and shadow she believed that just as his mercies shone in the past there would always be power in his arm. Yet in the very next recorded event we find her faith is tried "Son, why have you treated us so?" (Lk. 2, 48). In the total darkness of three days' loss she only had him through faith; in his three hours' agony on the cross her faith was tried to its utmost. Still even though she did not understand she believed that He would still do great things through her sorrowing search as through her sharing his Passion. She stood beneath the Cross, the great believer.
(From Pilgrims with Mary, John Moloney, P.P.)

Carmelite Monastery of Christ the King
Christchurch, New Zealand
(click on photo)

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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