Thursday, September 29, 2011

She had a presentiment that her activity after her death would extend far beyond the influence of a book, that it would be worldwide. "How unhappy I shall be in heaven if I cannot do little favors for those whom I love." She began to multiply mysterious promises: "I will return!" I will come down!" Then on July 17, she made her now famous prediction: "I feel that my mission is about to begin, my mission of making others love God as I love Him, my mission of teaching my little way to souls. If God answers my requests, my heaven will be spent on earth up until the end of the world. Yes, I want to spend my heaven in doing good on earth."

On Wednesday morning, September 29, Therese was breathing with great difficulty. Mother Marie de Gonzague gathered the community, who recited the prayers for the dying for an hour. At noon, Therese asked her Prioress: "Mother is this the agony?"...What should I do to prepare for death? Never will I know how to die!" After the doctor's visit, she asked: "Is it today, Mother?"--"Yes, my child."--"What happiness if I could die right now!" And a little later on she asked: "When am I going to suffocate entirely?...I can't stand any more! Ah! pray for me! Jesus! Mary! I will it!"

In the evening, Father Faucon came to hear her confession; when he came out of the infirmary, he was very much moved and said: "What a beautiful soul! She seems to be confirmed in grace!"
From The Story of a Soul Study Edition, Prepared by Marc Foley, O.C.D.

Old Footage-Exhumation of St. Therese's body

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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