Friday, August 19, 2011


 When I want to rest my heart fatigued by the darkness which surrounds it by the memory of the luminous country after which I aspire, my torment redoubles; it seems to me that the darkness, borrowing the voice of sinners, says mockingly to me: ' You are dreaming about the light, about a fatherland embalmed in the sweetest perfumes; you are dreaming about the eternal possession of the Creator of all these marvels; you believe that one day you will walk out of this fog which surrounds you! Advance, advance; rejoice in death which will give you not what you hope for but a night still more profound, the night of nothingness'...Ah! my Jesus pardon me if I have caused Him any pain, but He knows very well that while I do not have the joy of faith, I am trying to carry out its works at least."

I desire no longer either suffering or death, and still I love them both; it is love alone that attracts me...abandonment alone guides me. I have no other compass!

The Basilica and Sanctuary of
St. Therese-France

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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