Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stained Glass Flowers-Little Accounts of the Miraculous

From the Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila):

This Father began to lead me to greater perfection...He told me to commend the matter to God for some days and to recite the hymn Veni Creator so that God might give me light about the better course of action. One day, having spent a long time in prayer and begging the Lord to help me please him in all things, I began the hymn; while saying it, a rapture came upon me so suddenly that it

(Photo: R. Massaro)
 almost carried me out of myself. It was something I could not doubt, because it was very obvious. It was the first time the Lord granted me this favor of rapture. I heard these words: "No longer do I want you to converse with men but with angels." This experience terrified me because the movement of the soul was so powerful and these words were spoken to me deep within the spirit; so it frightened me--although on the other hand I felt great consolation when the fear that, I think, was caused by the novelty of the experience left me.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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