Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday of Our Lady

(Photo: R. Massaro)

Your head crowns you like Carmel, how fair and pleasant you are. (Cant.7,5,6)

Mary's closing visit to Lourdes was on July 16 the feast which honors her under the title of Carmel. She came at sunset. Her choice of day must not have been an accident. The very name Carmel must have filled her with fond memories...

And in a sense Carmel linked two worlds, east and west, past and future. A mountain hallowed by prayer before she was born, a place that would do her honor from age to age. There are flowers on Mount Carmel when there are none elsewhere.

The Ascent of Mt. Carmel is a well-worn path travelled down through the centuries by countless members of the Order, which glories in the title of Carmel who have been richly rewarded for the ardor of the ascent, for in their souls have blossomed flowers of holiness of the rarest quality.

Let us rejoice, Beloved, and let us go forth to behold ourselves in your beauty. To the mountain and to the hill, to where the pure water flows...there you will show me what my soul has been seeking."
(an excerpt from Pilgrims with Mary, John Moloney P.P.)

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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