Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Three Words of Wisdom


(photo: R.Massaro)
I'm sure most of us have heard this familiar and comforting saying, usually said with great confidence from a friend to comfort us in time of need and doubt. Usually this statement is said to one who has lost a job and is in financial distress.  These words are usually spoken in context with finances.

Let's take a deeper look at this short phrase and ask ourselves some questions. Have we asked for our self, or more importantly, for another, for God to provide the spiritual gifts we will need on any given day, especially the gift of charity, that helps us to respond to others the way God wants us to--in love?
Have we prayed for our self or for another to be given the gift of physical energy so that we may be of service to one another without growing tired and lukewarm?

The one who speaks is to deliver God's message. The one who serves is to do it with the strength provided by  God. (1 Peter: 11)

As the members of the Body of Christ, let us remember to give thanks for the spiritual gifts he has provided for us:

*He provided the Virgin Mary to be the mother of our Savior, to be our Mother

*He provided the Savior, to redeem us, to be our intimate friend and Lord.

*He provides priests to offer sacrifice in which he himself is the holy Lamb of God.

* He provides the Sacraments for our spiritual well-being and life.

*He provides his very self-the Bread of Life-The Holy Eucharist to feed and sustain us.

GOD PROVIDES in so many ways for us each day. Let us be very grateful and thankful to him for providing for our temporal needs: food, shelter, clothing.  As Secular Carmelites, let us remember that we must be detached from even these basic needs in order to seek union with God. Let us desire what he is preparing for us: a dwelling place with him forever. As Secular Carmelites, we know that this eternal life with him begins now, not when we die. Our interior life, the indwelling of the Most Holy Trinity, is a reality within us each day and each moment of our existence. Let us pray to Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity to obtain for us the grace to be fully aware of this gift and to go about our daily activities as living tabernacles, giving the bread of life to others in our humble service to them. 

Yes, God will provide...and we are his hands and feet to continue his work of mercy in the world. Let us pray for each other.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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