Saturday, April 9, 2011


Date of St. Therese's Entrance into Carmel

The day chosen for my entrance into Carmel was April 9, 1888, the same day the community was celebrating the feast of the Annunciation, transferred because of Lent. The evening before, the whole family gathered round the table where I was to sit for the last time. Ah! how heartrending these family reunions can really be! When you would like to see yourself forgotten, the most tender caresses and words are showered upon you, making the sacrifice of separation felt all the more...

I left on my dear King's arm to climb Mount Carmel...

My emotion was  not noticed exteriorly. After embracing all the members of the family, I knelt down before my matchless Father for his blessing, and to give it to me he placed himself on his knees and blessed me, tears flowing down his cheeks...

A few moments later, the doors of the holy ark closed upon me, and there I was received by the dear Sisters who embraced me... my desires were at last accomplished; my soul experienced a peace so sweet, so deep, it would be impossible to express it. For seven years and a half that inner peace has remained my lot, and has not abandoned me in the midst of the greatest trials.
(From a Story of a Soul)

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds


  1. So much love in the scene she describes. So very beautiful. It calls to mind these words I love so much: "Goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life."


    (Happy birthday!)

  2. Thanks, Tom. Yes, when I read this passage again I was teary-eyed picturing her dear father on his knees.

    May goodness and kindness follow you all the days of your life!
