Friday, March 11, 2011


Pilate said to the crowd: Here is the Man...then he handed him over to them to be crucified. (John 19,5,16)

The man Pilate-a symbol of the pride, wealth and power of the Roman Empire. A symbol perhaps of an ugly humanity which in pride only seeks domination, power and self-glory.

The man Jesus- His is another humanity, a divine humanity. Jesus is the fulfillment and promise of all that man can truly become: humble, dignified, full of peace, love and compassion.

In life we have a choice: to become the kind of man Pilate stands for, or to live the kind of divine humanity that Jesus invites us to live.

Lord, may you grant me the grace,
not to condemn love but to live love,
not to condemn life but to live life,
to condemn no one but to pardon all,
and to follow the way you show me,
the way you walked before me,
along the path of your divine humanity.
(From The Lourdes Way of the Cross)

The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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