Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Carmelite Quote

From Blessed Elizabeth
of the Trinity:

So that nothing may draw me out of this beautiful silence within, I must always maintain the same dispositions, the same solitude, the same withdrawl, the same stripping of self! If my desires, my fears,my joys or my sorrows, if all the movements proceeding from these "Four Passions" are not perfectly directed to God, I will not be solitary: there will be noise within me. There must be peace, "sleep of the powers," the unity of being. "Listen my daughter, lend your ear, forget your people and your father's hosue, and the King will become enamored of your beauty."

It seems to me that this call is an invitation to silence: listen...lend your ear...But to listen we must forget "our father's house," that is, everything that pertains to the natural life...
From, Heaven in Faith

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

1 comment:

  1. This quote is so beautiful. How I pray for this disposition! Blessings to you!
