Friday, December 10, 2010


St. John of the Cross
Feast Day: December 14

It must be understood that if a person experiences some elevated spsiritual communication or feeling or knowledge, it should not be thought that the experiences are similiar to the clear and essential vision or possession of God, or that the communication, no matter how remarkable it is, signifies a more notable possession of God  or union with him. It should be know too that if all these sensible and spiritual communications are

wanting  and individuals live in dryness, darkness, and dereliction, they must not thereby think that God is any more absent than in the former case. People, actually, cannot have certain knowledge from the one state that they are in God's grace or from the other than they are not. As the Wise Man says, We do not know if we are worthy of love or abhorrence before God (Eccl. 9:1).
(Spiritual  Canticle, Stanza 1, No. 4)

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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