Tuesday, October 5, 2010



These words of wisdom were taught to us by the priests and nuns in our Catholic elementary school in the late 50's.  Although I do not hear these words of wisdom coming from the mouths of babes these days or even from Catholic adults, I feel these words hold a great deal of wisdom.

Our late Holy Father, John Paul II and our current Holy Father, Benedict the XVI, have both warned us about the ever-increasing spiritual diseases of our time, namely, secularism, materialism and relativism.  We are living in a society filled with individuals who have no idea of how to mortify their passions and desires and die to the ego.  "offering it up" is unheard of when everyone believes he is owed something, must have everything he desires on demand, and is opposed to obedience from anyone in authority because he is the sole authority.

If the Holy Spirit has given us the desire to humble ourselves and follow Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, we should be very grateful.  If the Holy Spirit has given us the desire to unite our daily sufferings with the suffering Christ, we should be very grateful. While the church teaches that the call to holiness is for everyone, I believe that true virtue and holiness are not "common ground" walked on by the masses.

As Secular Carmelites we are called to be a witness in the world to the charism of contemplative prayer. Yes, all consecrated religious and lay people who are bound by the Evangelical Counsels should be the radiance and light of this world. If we are truly being faithful to our secular vocation we will radiate Christ and his holiness by "offering it up" on a daily basis, perhaps on a moment-by-moment basis.

Let us pray for each other. that we seek and obtain that union with Christ that we long for. May we have a true desire to be one with the suffering Christ. For only by "offering it up" through the Cross will we share in the resurrection glory of the life to come.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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