Sunday, October 10, 2010



Perhaps we don't know what love is...It doesn't consist in great delight but in desiring with strong determination to please God in everything, in striving, insofar as possible,not to offend Him, and in asking Him for the advancement of the honor and glory of His Son and the increase of the Catholic Church. These are the signs of love.

Next week the Church, and in particular, the Carmelite Order will celebrate the feast of St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila). Many pilgrim souls look to her teaching for guidance and direction. Many souls who are experiencing consolation and deep prayer experiences turn to her for guidance and direction.  Her excellent teaching wrought from inspiration by the Holy Spirit and explained through her own personal experiences on prayer gives the Church and her members a holy source we can turn to again and again for spiritual direction.

The quote I have used today gives her teaching on consolations and delight in prayer, experiences given mainly to the beginner to keep the soul attracted to God. But even advanced souls may fall victim to the temptation that once consolations cease we are failing in the spiritual life.  St. Teresa tells us again and again this is not so.  Charity, namely love of God and neighbor is the true test to see if we are progressing in the life of holiness.

So we can read again her quote above and ask ourselves a few questions:

1. Do I have a great desire and determination to please God in everything? Do I give up on the life of virtue easily when things get difficult? Do I make the effort to die to my own ego in sacrificing "little things" each day and offering them up?

2. Do I pray for the Church on a daily basis? Do I disrespect Church teaching? Do I tell others I disagree with certain Church teachings? Do I criticize my pastor, my bishop, the Holy Father?

3. Do I pray that Jesus Christ be honored and glorified? Do I listen to criticism of the Church without defending her? Do I watch television shows that ridicule the Church and her priests? Do I watch shows that take the name of the Lord in vain?

Let us turn to the Holy Doctor of the Church, St. Teresa of Jesus. May she intercede for us and help us on the Way of Perfection. This can sometimes be a lonely road filled with obstacles and pitfalls, even delightful ones, such as spiritual consolations.  Let us follow where she leads, the summit of Mt. Carmel-Christ our Lord!

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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