Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stained Glass Flowers-Little Accounts of the Miraculous

From the life of St. Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart:

One of the Saint's companion-novices, Sr. Theresa Maria of the Immaculate Conception, has been ill and in high fever for months from an internal growth. At the Mother Prioress' request, Friar Joseph  Dominic Ferretti had brought to the monastery an image of Saint Joseph, which as it happens, is still there. The community immediately began a triduum of prayer during which Sr. Theresa Marageret never wearied of urging the sick nun to make acts of faith. On the third day, the Saint assured her that the Patriarch of Mankind would heal her, if only her faith

were great enough, and urged her to anoint herself with oil taken fromt he lamp before the statue. Sr. Theresa Maria followed the suggestion, and found herself cured at once and completely. It was current opinion in the monastery that whenever a sick person was attended by Sr. Theresa Margaret, complete recovery or decided relief, either physical or spiritual, or both was bound to ensure.

Brother Andre' who will be canonized on Oct 17, 2010 also healed people through oil from St. Joseph's lamp. Visit the website of the shrine he started by clicking on the link below.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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