Monday, August 9, 2010

Carmelite Saint of the Day


A poem written by St. Teresa on Good Friday, 1938
and dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
This poem reflects what she knew to be her own vocation, to stand beneath the Cross for the souls entrusted to her care.

Today I stood with you beneath the Cross,
And felt more clearly than I ever did
That you became our Mother only there.
Even an earthly mother faithfully
Seeks to fulfill the last will of her son.
But you became the handmaid of the Lord;
The life and being of the God made Man
Was perfectly inscribed in your own life.
So you could take your own into your heart,
And with the lifeblood of your bitter pains
You purchased life anew for every soul.
You know also the celestial radiance
Which your Sons' love would shed on us in Heaven.
Thus carefully you guide our faltering footsteps,
No price too high for you to lead us to our goal.
But those whom you have chosen for companions
To stand with you round the eternal throne,
They here must stand with you beneath the Cross,
And with the lifeblood of their bitter pains
Must purchase heavenly glory for those souls
Whom God's own Son entrusted to their care.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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