Friday, August 13, 2010

Carmelite Quote

From the writings of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes when she was 19 years old:

Now I'll tell you the reasons why I want to become a Carmelite. The first is that in Carmel one can live a life of prayer, of intimate union with God...

The second is solitude. Very often I feel a great yearning for solitude...

Third, the poverty of Carmel delights me, for in having nothing, the heart remains pure and belongs to God alone. Besides, by being poor I'll be more like Him who had nowhere to lay his head.

Fourth, penance attracts me: to punish the body which is so often the cause of sin, to make it suffer according to the example of Christ. Also, making the body suffer subjects it to the soul.

Fifth, the sacrifice of this life has a special attraction for me, and more so since everything is suffered in one's heart and will remain unknown with no one aware of it. Only God is aware of it.

Sixth, A Carmelite's goal to pray for priests, that they may be sanctified, and for sinners, that they may be converted couldn't be a higher one. A Carmelite sanctifies herself in order to make all the Church's members holy.

Excerpt from a letter to Fr. Artermio Colon, S.J. dated January 29, 1919
(photo: R.Massaro, Banner of Saints, Lourdes, France)

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, ocds

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