Thursday, July 1, 2010

Three Words of Wisdom

This new feature, "Three Words of Wisdom" is inspired by a recent retreat our Carmelite community had in June.  The retreat director asked each person to share in about three words what the Holy Spirit had impressed upon his or her heart during the retreat.

Today's Three Words: BE NOT AFRAID

I'm still meditating and reflecting on the three words shared by some of our members. One member shared her three words: "I can leap!"

This brought to mind what our late Holy Father, John Paul II said in his inaugural address: "Be not afraid!" Awesome three words, don't you think?

As Secular Carmelites, we can reflect on the ways the Holy Spirit gives us the gift of courage. For one member, during the retreat, the Holy Spirit gave her this gift and grace to make a spiritual leap that she had been praying about.

Each of us can reflect on our fears in the spiritual life. Are we afraid of giving up worldly attachments? Are we afraid of committing ourselves completely to the required half-hour of prayer? Are we afraid of dying to self in our hesitation to accept humiliations and disappointments?

If we remain faithful to meeting Christ in our prayer time and with our remembrance of him throughout the day, the Holy Spirit will remain with us and give us the courage we need in the challenges we face each day. He will give us the courage to step out into the deep...the deep being whatever we are called to at any given moment. Let us submerge ourselves into the little moments of life we are called to each day. We know from the life of St. Peter that if we step out into the deep and fail through weakness or lack of trust, the Lord is right by our side to lift us up! Let us pray for each other, that we "be not afraid." Let us echo the words of St. Paul, "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)
Do not fear, Mary. You have found favor with God. (Luke 1:30)
Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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