Friday, July 9, 2010

Spiritual Life Dictionary

Today's Term: Confession

The auricular confession of sins to a priest in the tribunal of penance. All mortal sins committed after baptism must be confessed, together with those circumstances which alter the specific character of the sin.  Confession must be made by all  who have come to the use of reason, at least once a year.
The great confessor, St. John Vianney
below: Edward the Confessor
Photos: R.Massaro

A sacrilegious confession is one in which  the penitent wilfully conceals one or more mortal sins of which he is conscious, or has no contrition or purpose of amendment or intention of making satisfaction.
From A Catholic Dictionary by Donald Attwater

The Secular Carmelite is encouraged to receive the sacraments often, especially the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our rule states:

...The Secular Carmelite will, in addition, have a great esteem for the Sacrament of Penance, or Reconciliation, and practice, as far as possible, acts of traditional Christian piety.
Article 10

The Universal Call to holiness is for all, not just religious. Those who are called to Carmel have heard the call of  Jesus to "Come, take up your cross and follow me." The Cross is the daily dying to self.  When we fail in charity, even in small matters, it is always a cause to confess, even if it is venial in nature.  St. Teresa teaches us over and over again in her writings that she did not want to offend "His Majesty" in any any way, no matter how small. This is the desire of the saints!

Let us pray for each other, that we will have the desire to have a clean and pure heart, only then will we be fit to enter the kingdom of God and see him face-to-face.

Peace be with you!

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