Sunday, July 11, 2010

Carmelite Quote

Before speaking of the interior life—that is, of prayer—I shall speak of certain things which those who attempt to walk along the way of prayer must of necessity practice. So necessary are these that, even though not greatly given to contemplation, people who have them can advance a long way in the Lord’s service, while, unless they have them, they cannot possibly be great contemplatives, and, if they think they are, they are much mistaken...

With regard to the first—namely, love for each other— this is of very great importance...

Let us now come to the detachment which we must practice, for if this is carried out perfectly it includes everything else...

It is here that true humility can enter, for this virtue and that of detachment from self, I think, always go together.
St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila)

Peace be with you!

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