Friday, June 18, 2010

St. John of the Cross

From the life of St. John of the Cross:

Requiring little sleep, he spent much of the night in prayer, sometimes kneeling at the altar steps before the Blessed Sacrament; at other times he knelt beneath the trees in the garden, and sometimes at the window of his cell, from which he could look out at the heavens and all the countryside...His greatest suffering during the imprisonment in Toledo was being deprived of the Eucharist. The Blessed Sacrament was "all his glory, all his happiness, and for him far surpassed all the things of the earth. The one privilege he accepted when major superior in Segovia was the cell closest to the Blessed Sacrament.

An Excerpt from the  Biographical Sketch of St. John of the Cross
from the Collected Works of St. John of the Cross
Translated by Kieran Kavanugh, OCD

Read the Ascent to Mt. Carmel and his other works online
Peace be with you!

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