Monday, May 31, 2010

Stained Glass Scapulars-Reflections on the Secular Carmelite Rule

From Article 7 of the Rule:

The Secular Carmelites' interior life must be permeated by an intense devotion to Our Lady. This will be manifested by honoring her daily by some particular act, and by wearing the holy Scapular of Carmel.

From the Statutes (1981):

Sec. IX-Particular Acts of Devotion to Mary

By choosing the Blessed Virgin Mary as the mother and Patroness of our Order, we place our whole religious life under her tutelage, and also propose to ourselves the mystery of her interior life and union with Christ as the example and ideal of the interior consecration.

...the mystery of her interior life and union with Christ...

Yes, Our Lady, she is a beautiful mystery!

"I am the handmaid of the Lord."
"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord."
"Do whatever he tells you."

These statements of Our Lady are no mystery. In these simple statements of love, humility, trust, and faith, Our Lady, under the title of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, gives us wise spiritual direction in our quest for union with her Son.

She guides us by the hand up Mt. Carmel if we allow her. We are encouraged by the Order to have an intense love for her.  This is proper and fitting for Christians and Carmelites.  We should have a deep, abiding love for Our Lady who brings us closer to her Son. We should have a deep, abiding love and gratitude that she promises to defend us poor sinners at the hour of our death. We should have a deep, abiding love, and sense of hope and encouragement that we are her children of Carmel who wear her holy habit. 

As Secular Carmelites, let us foster a deep interior devotion and love for Our Lady.  Let us remain faithful to praying the Rosary and offering other acts of devotion to her.  We can show our love and gratitude by celebrating her feast days in special ways, perhaps presenting flowers to her altar, renewing our Carmelite promises or vow, renewing our baptismal promises, renewing our total consecration to her Immaculate Heart.

Today on this feast of Mary, the Visitation of Mary, let us ponder the mystery that she has an intense love for each child of God, and that she has a special love for her children in Carmel. Let us prepare for her "visitation" to us each day as we honor her with our choice of special devotion.

Other ways to honor Mary:

*Fast before her feast days
*Promote devotion to her
*Invite others to discern a Secular Carmelite vocation
*Sing the "Salve Regina" before going to sleep
*Pray a novena to her
*Participate in the "First Saturday" devotion
*Visit a shrine in her honor
*Create a shrine to her in the home
*Plant a "Mary Garden"

Let us pray for each other to remain faithful to our Rule in honoring
Our Lady by some particular devotion each day, remembering that
when we honor Our Lady, we are honoring her Son.

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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