Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday of Our Lady

Carmelite Saint of the Day
St. Joachina de Verdruna
May 22

Saint Joachina was born on 16th April 1783 in Barcelona, Spain. She married Theodore de Mas in 1799 but was widowed in 1816. She brought up nine children with loving care. In 1826, guided by the Holy Spirit, she founded the Congregation of Carmelite Sisters of Charity which spread throughout Catalonia, opening numerous houses for the care of the sick and to help and look after those who suffered from poverty and a lack of education. She found her inspiration in the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the distinguishing features of her spirituality were her love of prayer, self-denial, detachment, humility and her love for others. She died at Vich on 28th August 1854. She was beatified on 19th May 1940 and canonized on 12th April 1959.


May 22
Our Lady of the Virgin's Mount
Naples, Italy

Peace be with you!
Rosemarie, OCDS

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