Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Stained Glass Scapulars-Reflections on the Secular Carmelite Rule

The Promise of obedience binds the Secular Carmelites to the observance of whatever the legitimate authority--the General or Provincial of the Order, or the council of their Community--may lay down in accordance with, and within the limits of, the present Rule.

This Promise will provide the Secular Carmelites with the grace to become interiorly more responsive to the will of God. By manifesting His will through human spokesmen, He purifies our faith, and smoothes the way to union with Him Who, for the love of us, "became obedient unto death" (Phil. 2,8).
Article 14

The Promise of obedience...yes, how some of us struggle with this virtue! I suggest we read over this article from our Rule a few times in order to grasp the deeper meaning of obedience in the life of Carmel. 

Look at the second paragraph again.  Bear with me, as I would like to add to the first sentence an important word: observance. Yes, let us say, the observance of this Promise will provide the Secular Carmelite with the grace to become more interiorly responsive to God's will.  Did you note the word interiorly?  We can ask ourselves how many times we grumble interiorly before we bend to the will of God.  Do you know the saints respond with charity in the first movement of their interior life.  I believe St. Thomas Aquinas teaches on this subject-the movements of the soul.  Let us ask ourself, how many interior movements does it take for me to be obedient to the task at hand and responding with charity in a challenging situation?

Secular Carmelites are called to obey the points of the Rule.  We can do an examination of conscience by asking some particular questions concerning obedience:

*Have I been faithful to mental prayer for at least one half hour each day?
*Have I fasted on the appointed days?
*Have I been faithful to praying the Liturgy of the Hours?
*Have I attended Mass each day if possible?
*Have I received the Sacrament of Penance on a regular basis?
*Have I prayed for the living and deceased members of the Order?

How have I been obedient to my local community-the Council?

*Do I read and study the required texts given in formation?
*Do I pray for those who request prayer?
*Do I follow through on tasks I have volunteered for?
*Do I respond to emails or other communication from the President or the Council?

When it comes to obedience we cannot be "Cafeteria Carmelites." We cannot pick and choose what we will follow and what we will not according to our whims.  The Secular Carmelite must set an example of faithful obedience to the Magisterium, our local Bishop, our local Community: the council.

As our Rule states above, the promise of obedience smoothes our way to union with God. Let us make straight His path, because we must follow Our Lord, who was totally obedient to the Father.

Let us pray for each other!

Peace be with you!

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