Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tabernacle of the Week

St. Paul Church
Akron, Ohio

The Rev. Ralph Thomas

The church was beautifully
decorated-Confirmation had
been celebrated on Sunday.
I visited St. Paul's on the
feast of St. Blaise

Come to me with Your saving presence, and let me in spirit taste Your sweetness, which lies hidden in the most Blessed Sacrament as in a plentiful fountain. Give light to my eyes, too, that I may gaze upon this great mystery, and strengthen me to believe it with persevering faith...

Who can come humbly to the fountain of sweetness wihtout carrying away with him some of its sweetness? Or who can stand by a blazing fire and not feel some of its heat? You, O Lord, are a fountain, ever full and overflowing, a fire always burning and never dying out.
Imitation of Christ, Book 4, No. 3

Keep watch with our Eucharistic Lord 24 hours a day

Peace be with you!


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