Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday in the Year for Priests

(The Holy Father in Lourdes-Praying for the sick)
photo: property of Spirit Singing
One of the Cure of Ars' essential activities was his visitation of the sick, and we know how important he considered it. If anyone came to get him to hear a sick person's confession, he would set out at once without regard for time or distance. One day he happened to
be so ill himself that when he arrived at his penitent's home he was obliged to lie down on a bed and hear the dying man's confession in this position. He than had to be taken home in a carriage, which did not please him at all.

From the Remarkable Cure of Ars by Michele de Saint Pierre

Christ's compassion toward the sick and his many healings of every kind of infirmity are a resplendant sign that "God has visited his people" and that the Kingdom of God is close at hand. Jesus has the power not only to heal, but also to forgive sins, he has come to heal the whole man, soul and body; he is the physician the sick have need of.
Catechism #1503

Peace be with you!

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