Thursday, January 28, 2010

St. John of the Cross-Sayings of Light and Love

Saying #82

Keep spiritually tranquil in a loving attentiveness to God, and when it is necessary to speak, let it be with the same calm and peace.

These words of St. John of the Cross are full of obvious wisdom.  How many times have we sinned by speaking in haste before considering the tone of our voice and the choice of our words?  Let us pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit, that he will help us to remain calm even in a challenging situation in which we are tempted to raise our voice and use harsh language.

St. Teresa teaches us that beginners are tempted to act like the spiritual police by correcting others instead of concentrating on their own faults. It takes true humility to bear the weaknesses  and faults of others, especially those we have close contact with.

Each day in the Divine Office we begin with these words: "Lord open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise." Let us ask for the gift to respond to others with encouraging words spoken with kindness in a spirit of true Christian charity that reflects our interior peace of heart.

St. John of the Cross, pray for us!

Peace be with you!

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